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Shooter Level Design(2021)


Level Design


Engine: Unreal 4

Team Size: Solo

Duration: Under 24 hours

Platform: PC

Programming: Blueprints



A playable blockout level made in Unreal 4. The space was built in mind to be used within a multiplayer co-op cover shooter game.


The space was meant to consider a 360 degree approach while limiting the player to approach within 180 degrees. In doing so I hoped the scenario could stand out against what other hypothetical locations in the game.

Level Design

Level Design Overview:


I designed the level with the intention of replayability assuming it could be a locations players might have to visit many times, as part of this I made the interior engagement area semi modular to set up different types of combat scenarios. 


The interior and local surroundings started out with an assumption that the space could be repurposed for a PvP mode as well as this, however as development went on I would remove that consideration in an attempt to descope as I iterated. 

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