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Gameplay Scripter

Animation Scripter

Level Designer​


Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Team Size: Solo

Duration: 5 Months

Platform: PC

Programming: Blueprints


As part of my 4th year honours project at university I developed Ola. The prototype aimed to serve as a portfolio piece and as the base for my research project.

The core concept of the project was to be a 3D, third person, role playing adventure game. The player can play with up to one other friend, over a networked connection, as they explore an island and it's secrets. On their adventure, they can collect gear and interact with characterful personalities. With all of this, the island is b
uilt to utilize architecture and art framing techniques throughout, in order to understand how they might influence player behaviour and pathing.

Gameplay scripting

Scripting Overview:


Working solo on the project I prototyped mechanics and gameplay systems. Additionally, I would create tools to help streamline my development. The entirety of the project is developed in Unreal Engine Blueprints.

To create the prototype of the project I had to not only learn how to create networked mechanics but would also have to learn new engine systems and tools, such as Unreal Engines water system.

Features: ​


  • Open world roaming NPC that the player can interact with

  • Developed tools to create large scale paths for AI

  • Open world boss fights with varying behaviours based on players gameplay style

  • Simple swimming and sailing mechanics built using Unreal 4's water system

  • Procedural dungeons with randomised segments, enemies, items and sizes

  • A combat and loot system with randomised stats and rarities

  • All mechanics are built with rudimentary or complete working networking compatibility

Level Design

Level Design Overview:


Level Design was the core of my honours dissertation. I chose to focus my research on investigating existing art and architectural framing techniques together with architecture theory and their effectiveness in affecting player pathing.

Features: ​


  • Iterative development model


  • Conducted player research studies and iterated based on findings


  • Developed fun, engaging and natural path formations

  • Encouraging player exploration through design theory

  • Utilised architecture theory and art framing techniques

  • Applied a cheap procedural method of generating organic space using split peas and corn to form islands

  • Segmented level design to help players compartmentalise the 3D space

Animation Scripting

Animation Scripting Overview:


While working on Ola I ran a lot of scripts through timing of animations which allowed me to better understand the systems for character animations. Later in the project, I would add some basic procedural animation to the character.

Features: ​


  • Procedural step height for collision surfaces

  • Procedural hip bob height when walking up and down slopes

  • Procedural head rotation

  • All fully network compatible

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